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AI Bots are getting smarter, and you can have one that looks like you, sounds like you, but is more than you.

In audio and video calls, how do you know if it’s a Bot or a Human?

That’s what does.

video call human verification


As AI gets better and better, voice and video verification will be more vital. Legal depositions, interviews, examinations, and other critical video interactions cannot be compromised. AI can present itself as a person, but with a massive advantage that can be used to “fool” anyone.

When you start an audio or video call you’re prompted to use to be sure you are talking to a real human and not a cloned voice or visual copy of a pwerson. is an AI driven patent protected application that immediately creates a random message that is sent to the other party, or parties on the call. They open the message and are either verified or not, based on the result.

Want to see a lifelike, fully interacting bot in action? Take a look at this video from Linkedin founder Reid Hoffman:

Hear about how phone scams are using cloned voices.

verifi seal for banking

Banking professionals use video conferences with clients for various purposes, similar to accounting professionals but with some banking-specific applications. Here’s an overview of how they use video conferencing and which uses are most susceptible to fraud via impersonation… for accounting

Insurance companies use video conferencing for various purposes, and the emerging risk of human AI cloning is increasing fast. for government

Government departments use video conferencing for a wide range of purposes, facilitating communication and service delivery across various levels of governance. Here’s an overview of common uses and an analysis of which might be most vulnerable to impersonation fraud by cloned bots… for insurance

Insurance companies use video conferencing for various purposes, and the emerging risk of human AI cloning is increasing fast. for education

Education professionals use video conferencing for a variety of purposes, especially with the rise of remote and hybrid learning models. Here’s an overview of common uses and an analysis of which might be most vulnerable to impersonation fraud by cloned bots. for remote working

Employers with remote workers use video conferences in various ways to manage, collaborate with, and support their distributed workforce. Here’s an overview of common uses and an analysis of which might be most vulnerable to impersonation fraud by cloned bots… for online dating

In the digital age of online dating, video chats have become a crucial tool for connection. However, the rise of sophisticated AI technology has introduced a new challenge: ensuring the person on the other end is genuinely human. for healthcare

For medical professionals, liability is a key issue, and when online, patient identification is difficult. With, you’re assured that you are not being scammed. for attorneys

Online evidence gathering requires the confirmation that the witness is who they should be. Bots are now indistinguishable from the person they emulate. is a simple way to identify bot emulations and records the results. All the information gathered is stored for later evidentiary use. for HR and recruiting provides validation when conducting interviews with candidates and video contact with remote employees.

Bots, with specific expertize are able to fool most people, so ensurung you’re talking to the person you want to talk to is vital. Human Resources professionals and hiring managers use video conferencing for interviewing candidates in several ways… for consumer protection

For most consumers, interaction with a bot is a simple, safe encounter. But as always, there’sc a darker side. Be sure you’re talking to a human before you commit to a purchase, or revealing perdonal information. gives you the reassurance you need.


Human or Bot? Let’s check.

When AI surpassed the Turing Test*, the world changed. Regardless of whether or not you have fears that this technological revolution will ultimately result in a “Terminator” scenario, the short term issues of AI clones impersonating humans is fast becoming a problem.

Soon, if not already, video sales calls will be conducted by bots. They can interact, ask and answer questions, and manage a flow of conversation. That’s a fairly benign use of an AI clone, and provided you are told it’s a bot, no harm, no foul.

Bit when AI clones are used to deliver a false impression of a real person, then the ground rules change.

That’s why was created – to protect against situations where being fooled by a bot could have drastic consequencies.

Simple to Use

How you use

It’s simple and takes just a moment to verifi any number of people you are calling over any video platform. 

Want to try

You’ll be able to verifi yourself as human.


Copyright 2024,

Patents pending.

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