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client verification for Accounting

In the digital age of online dating, video chats have become a crucial tool for connection. However, the rise of sophisticated AI technology has introduced a new challenge: ensuring the person on the other end is genuinely human.

Accounting professionals use video conferences with clients for various purposes, and some of these uses can be more susceptible to fraud through impersonation by cloned bots. Here’s an overview:

Uses most troublesome in terms of potential fraud via impersonation:

Financial advisory services: Impersonators could provide misleading investment advice or recommend fraudulent financial products.

Discussing sensitive financial matters: Cloned bots could extract confidential financial information, leading to identity theft or financial fraud.

Tax planning and preparation: Impersonators might manipulate tax strategies, potentially leading to legal issues or financial losses for clients.

Audit discussions: False information could be provided, compromising the integrity of audits.

Presenting financial reports: Manipulated reports could be presented, leading to misinformed decision-making.

Strategic planning sessions: Impersonators could influence major business decisions based on false information or malicious intent.

Answering client questions: Incorrect information could be provided, leading to poor financial decisions.

Initial consultations: Impersonators could establish fraudulent relationships with potential clients, leading to various forms of financial exploitation.

As technology evolves, it’s crucial for accounting professionals to stay informed about the latest security measures and potential threats in digital communication.

Plans for Accounting firms

Accounting firms often need multiple access to a account, so we provide packages that give all your team access.

Packages start at 5 users and build from there. Complete the form below and we will provide you with a proposal.


The record of every verifi.cation is stored in your account. Reports have a screen shot of the recipient you called together with all the relevant information you might need.


use it today

Simple to use.

Use as an extension to your browser, or open it on a web page. It just takes a couple of clicks to get the assurance that the person yopu are talking to, is in fact, a person.

Choose our inexpensive pay-as-you-go, single use option or our package that reduces your cost, and can be used by anyone on your team.


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