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Commonly asked questions

How do I handle a situation where verifi says that I am chatting with an AI avatar?

You have several options: you can test again to be sure that the result was accurate, you can end the call if you feel that you may be in danger of being duped, you can continue the call and be wary of what you hear and see. 


Can I verifi audio calls?

Yes, choose Audio when you initiate a call, an AI generated random sound will be sent to the person you are and they describe it to you. It takes just a minute, and you can be sure the voice you recognise is the person you expect it to be.

How accurate is

After significant testing we can claim that video calling verifi.cation is successful over 95% of the time. Audio call verifi.cation is even more accurate.

How long are my call records retained?

If you take advantage of our single call plan, we retain your information for 12 months from your initial sign-up. For subscribed users, we retain your data as long as your account is active.

Can I verifi multiple people on video calls?

Right now you must verifi them individually, but we are working on a group verification process that will save time. We expect this to be released later this year.

Do you offer packages for larger companies where multiple people want to use verifi?

Yes, contact us and we will customize a plan for you.

Don’t find the answer to your question? Contact us using the form below and we will respond within 4 hours.



Got questions? We are looking forward to hearing from you.


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