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candidate verification for Recruiting provides validation when conducting interviews with candidates and video contact with remote employees.

Bots, with specific expertize are able to fool most people, so ensurung you’re talking to the person you want to talk to is vital. Human Resources professionals and hiring managers use video conferencing for interviewing candidates in several ways:

The most troublesome in terms of potential fraud from impersonation by cloned bots are:

Initial screenings: This is perhaps the most vulnerable stage. Bots could be programmed to provide basic responses to common screening questions, potentially advancing in the process and displacing genuine candidates.

In-depth interviews: Sophisticated AI could potentially mimic human responses to more complex questions, presenting a false representation of skills and experience.

Cultural fit assessments: AI bots might be able to analyze company information and tailor responses to align with stated company values, misleading interviewers about genuine cultural fit.

Behavioral interviews: Advanced language models could generate plausible scenarios and responses based on common work situations, making it difficult to distinguish from real experiences.

Skills assessments: For non-technical roles or assessments that don’t require complex problem-solving, bots might be able to provide pre-programmed responses to common assessment questions.

Plans for Recruiting

Recruitment firms often need multiple access to a account, so we provide packages that give all your team access.

Packages start at 5 users and build from there. Complete the form below and we will provide you with a proposal.


The record of every verifi.cation is stored in your account. Reports have a screen shot of the recipient you called together with all the relevant information you might need.


use it today

Simple to use.

Use as an extension to your browser, or open it on a web page. It just takes a couple of clicks to get the assurance that the person yopu are talking to, is in fact, a person.

Choose our inexpensive pay-as-you-go, single use option or our package that reduces your cost, and can be used by anyone on your team.


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Patents pending.

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